Cave 2 (OC&CCR) Dive Course


This is what you need to bring with you:

- at least 18 years old

- at least cave 1

- at least 120 logged dives

- min. 10 logged cave dives after cave 1 certification

The Cave 2 course can be done on the rebreather. The following additional requirements have to be fulfilled:

- at least Rebreather Deco Brevet

- at least 50 logged dives

Key data of the Cave 2 course

Duration: 5 days

The course can be done all at once or in blocks. We respond to your personal needs !

Our courses are offered as a "carefree" package. The following services are included:

- Day admission to the mine

- Bottle filling incl. deco gases

- certification

- organic T-Shirt

- 5 days supervision by our instructor

In addition to the extensive theoretical training we deal in this course among other things with the following practical training units:

- complex navigation

- passing narrow places

- lost line

- line repair

- lost diver

- out of gas

- touch contact